Guided Meditations
Tools to relax & learn
These recordings offer a wonderful way to relax, but also tools to learn, deepen awareness and sharpen focus on your well-being journey.
Please note: We are adding to this collection of mantras continuously!
In this meditation, we will invoke three colors of healing light, and associated divine, primordial energies through deep visualization. First, we invoke the color and energy of unconditional love, next the color and elemental energy of earth, finally the color and energy of the infinite cosmos and highest self.
Listen to this guided recording to learn how to make sounds to come into resonance with the solar plexus center - your center of fire.
In this guided meditation we will relax the heart rate and brain waves — harmonizing the heart and mind together using the breath. Listen to the guided meditation, and/or try these steps on your own.
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All Mantras
This seed syllable mantra helps see clearly through illusion
This seed syllable mantra helps attract abundance in all its forms.
This mantra helps to resonate in, release and transmute the emotional energy of grief.
This mantra helps to resonate in, release and transmute the emotional energy of anger.
This seed syllable mantra is excellent for removing blockages between the root and throat chakras.
This mantra is toned to a drone.
This mantra helps to resonate in, release and transmute the emotional energy of fear.
This mantra invokes the energies of the planet Mercury. It is supportive of the hands, arms, lungs, sensory organs, and thyroid gland. Mercury is also connected with communication, higher learning and the element of air.
In these playlists I tone the bija mantra for each chakra, one track at a time.
One recording is accompanied to the sounds of a monochord, tuned to the pitch of C. The other recording is voice only, depending on your preference.
Bija Mantras are seed syllable mantras for the chakras. They are effective at energizing the kundalini, balancing the subtle energy in chakras, tonifying organs and endocrine glands, and enhancing positive emotions.
Please tone along! when chanting, remember to focus on the consonants to generate the appropriate sound wave pattern. You will hear this in the recording below.
In this recording, I chant the Bija mantra for the throat chakra: HAM. It is pronounced "HUM" with emphasis on the "H" and "M" to generate the appropriate sound wave pattern.
This bija enhances the the sense of power in one's center of expression. Its associated element is ether. Associated color is blue. Associated symbol is an indigo oval. Visualizing these intentions, elements colors and symbols help to direct the energy of the sound.
In this recording, I chant the Bija mantra for the solar plexus chakra: RAM. It is pronounced "RUM" with emphasis on the "R" and "M" to generate the appropriate sound wave pattern.
aThis bija enhances the the sense of wisdom in the action center. Its associated element is fire. Associated color is yellow. Associated symbol is a red triangle. Visualizing these intentions, elements colors and symbols help to direct the energy of the sound.
In this recording, I chant the Bija mantra for the root chakra: LAM. It is pronounced "LUM" with emphasis on the "L" and "M" to generate the appropriate sound wave pattern.
This bija enhances the the sense of one's life connection. It's associated element is the earth. Associated color is red. Associated symbol is a yellow square. Visualizing these intentions, elements colors and symbols help to direct the energy of the sound.
In this recording, I chant the Bija mantra for the heart chakra: YAM. It is pronounced "YUM" with emphasis on the "Y" and "M" to generate the appropriate sound wave pattern.
This bija enhances the the sense of unconditional love towards self and others. Its associated element is air. Associated color is green. Associated symbol is a blue circle. Visualizing these intentions, elements colors and symbols help to direct the energy of the sound.
Bija Mantras are seed syllable mantras for the chakras. They are effective at energizing the kundalini, balancing the subtle energy in chakras, tonifying organs and endocrine glands, and enhancing positive emotions.
In this recording, I chant the Bija mantra for the sacral chakra: VAM. It is pronounced "VUM" with emphasis on the "V" and "M" to generate the appropriate sound wave pattern.
Bija Mantras are seed syllable mantras for the chakras. They are effective at energizing the kundalini, balancing the subtle energy in chakras, tonifying organs and endocrine glands, and enhancing positive emotions.
In this recording, I chant the Bija mantra for the third eye and crown chakras: OM. It is good to sound out the full OM sounding full the full OH vowel (ah-oh-ooo), and then allowing the M to vibrate at the end to generate the appropriate sound wave pattern, and allow the cranium to vibrate. Please note, for the crown chakra, chanting OM silently in one's mind is desirable as silence is the language of spirit.
This mantra helps to resonate in, release and transmute the emotional energy of sadness.
A powerfully cleansing mantra. It helps release negative energy so that it may be recycled and transmuted
This mantra invokes quality of altruistic compassion for self and others.
This mantra invokes the healing response. Also, it contains the bija mantra for the solar plexus.
This mantra is for the planet Venus. It is great for healing and transforming energy in the throat, neck, kidneys, reproductive organs, feet, and thyroid gland
Also helpful working with the energy of the archetypal feminine.
EIM, pronounced: “I’m” is the seed syllable mantra for Saraswati. Saraswati is the deity of sound, music and education. There are two key chakra vowels included as you sound out the seed syallble EIM: EYE (throat), and EEE (crown) that relate to this Seed Syllable and Saraswati.
As the deity encompassing energies of sound, music, and education, Saraswati clears the mental ‘noise’ making way for higher learning and spiritual connection. This relates to the throat chakra - and its energetic sound of EYE - as it also acts as the filter for clearning out mind ‘stuff’ to make way for higher truth. And of course the crown chakra - and its energetic sound EEE - is where we receive this higher truth to begin with. Lastly, Saraswati means ‘one who flows,’ so the gentle cleansing and flowing aspect of water is also invoked while chanting EIM. Our sacral chakra - the seat of creative potency, inner child and sense of self - is the body’s center of water. So chanting EIM is nourishing of these three areas and aspects.
Green Tara is the goddess of unconditional love, compassion and forgiveness in action. This is an excellent mantra for opening and expanding the heart, connecting in unconditional love and forgiveness for self and others.
This mantra invokes primordial universal feminine principal of abundance. Use this mantra to restore/heal connection with fundamental power, and attract universal principle of abundance.
This mantra is helpful for uniting all aspects of the soul and bringing it into the present moment.
Balancing, healing and uniting the relationship between the divine feminine and divine masculine. Uniting Shakti with Shiva. Uniting Self with Divine, and so on. So this mantra basically means that we are dissolving any illusions that are keeping us separate from harmonious union in relationships - particularly when it comes to the balancing of the divine feminine and masculine aspects in ourselves and others.