Simple Healing Sounds

Listen & make sounds with me.

Each of these simple recordings was made for a different intention. You’ll hear the sounds of simple vocal toning along with several different instruments such as Tibetan Singing Bowls, drums, a monochord, harm, zaphir chimes and more. Listening alone is a healing experience, but I encourage you to tone along! These recordings offer a great way to learn how to use your voice in a healing way. Words and mantra won’t be found in those recordings, but I do offer guided meditations and mantras elsewhere on this site!

Simple healing sounds to get started

Simple healing sounds by body area or chakra

Please note: We are adding to this collection of sounds continuously!

Simple healing sounds by body area or chakra

Chakra vowel sounds

The specific frequencies of each of these vowels, when sounded, resonates with the specific frequency of a certain energy center.

Relaxing sounds

The qualities, instruments and intervals in these sounds are intended to relax the energy field. Intervals like the unison interval, perfect 4th, perfect 5th, major 6th and octave are considered relaxing, harmonizing intervals.

Releasing sounds

The qualities, instruments and intervals in these sounds are intended to get the energy moving. They’re great for releasing blocks, stagnant energy, and outmoded energetic patterns. Intervals like the 2nd, 3rd, tirtone, minor 6th and 7th are great for this purpose.

Reforming sounds

The qualities, instruments and intervals in these sounds are intended to stabilize, align and recharge the field with fresh energy. Intervals for reform are similar to those used for relaxation: the unison interval, perfect 4th, perfect 5th, major 6th and octave. However, the intention is here is slightly different. Holding an intention to create healthy energetic patterns rather than just relaxing existing energy is a key shift of attention.

Simple healing sounds by body area or chakra

Root chakra simple sounds

These sounds are meant to support the root chakra.

About the root chakra: This chakra primarily has to do with issues of survival and life connection on the physical/material plan: home, security, safety, family or tribe. It helps you root your inner life to your outer life.

Related areas of the body: Base of spine, organs of elimination (rectum, anus), legs, feet, bones, skin

Element: Earth | Sense: Smell

Sacral chakra simple sounds

These simple sounds are meant to support the sacral chakra.

About the sacral chakra: This chakra primarily has to do with the emotional life, and sense of self. What’s our place in the world around us? Here we explore what we desire, what excites us, what we create, how well we flow and let go. It’s about currency - we begin to see how power and energy is exchanged. Guilt & shame can be carried here.

Related areas of the body: Pelvis, Reproductive organs, bladder, kidneys, spleen, SI joint and lumbar spine

Element: Water | Sense: Taste

Solar plexus chakra simple sounds

These simple sounds are meant to support the solar plexus chakra.

About the solar plexus chakra: This chakra primarily has to do with action, will power, discipline, and responsibility. It’s about how we shape and hone our individual, raw organic power that emerges in the sacral chakra. Issues of control show up here, how we control or hold our power in relation to ourselves or others. Anger and resentment can be held here.

Related areas of the body: Stomach, digestive system, liver, pancreas, gallbladder

Element: Fire | Sense: Sight

Heart chakra simple sounds

These simple sounds are meant to support the heart chakra.

About the heart chakra: This chakra primarily has to do with connection. How well we feel connected to our full selves and the the world around us. Are our connections authentic and sincere? What is our experience of conditional vs. unconditional love? What is our experience of patience, kindness, appreciation and inclusion? This chakra is the bridge between our more material, egoic lives and our higher, spiritual selves. Impatience and cruelty can be held here. Yet, forgiveness and compassion can be cultivated here.

Related areas of the body: Chest, heart, lungs, breasts, thymus gland, blood circulation

Element: Air | Sense: Touch

Throat chakra simple sounds

These simple sounds are meant to support the throat chakra.

About the throat chakra: This chakra primarily has to do with communication. How well we listen and how well we speak. In balance, this chakra connects us with wisdom and highest spiritual truths. When well connected, hearing and listening can come from this place. Yet, the throat is also the filter for body and mind. Organs of the throat chakra are constantly taking in sound, information, air, food, liquid. And so, it can commonly become clogged with toxicity. This chakra is about creating clarity and space.

Related areas of the body: Ears, nose, throat (trachea & esophagus), larynx, tongue, neck, jaw, thyroid gland

Element: Ether / Space | Sense: Hearing

Third eye chakra simple sounds

These simple sounds are meant to support the third eye chakra.

About the third eye: This chakra primarily has to do intuition, wisdom, heightened perception, clarity, understanding, spiritual insight and imagination. In balance, this chakra enables optimal hormone function leading to improved physical health, mental clarity and emotional well-being. Supporting this chakra may help improve clarity and focus, creativity, spiritual connection, self-awareness and reduced anxiety and stress.

Related areas of the body: Eyes, also ears and nose, pineal and pituitary glands

Element: Beyond physical elements | Sense: Beyond physical senses

Crown chakra mantras

These simple sounds are meant to support the crown chakra.

About the crown chakra: This chakra primarily has to do with spiritual connection, our sense of unity with the bigger picture or higher, more infinite energies.

Related areas of the body: Hypothalamus, pineal and pituitary glands

Element: Beyond physical elements | Sense: Beyond physical senses

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