Seed Syllable Mantra: EIM

EIM, pronounced: “I’m” is the seed syllable mantra for Saraswati. Saraswati is the deity of sound, music and education. There are two key chakra vowels included as you sound out the seed syallble EIM: EYE (throat), and EEE (crown) that relate to this Seed Syllable and Saraswati.

As the deity encompassing energies of sound, music, and education, Saraswati clears the mental ‘noise’ making way for higher learning and spiritual connection. This relates to the throat chakra - and its energetic sound of EYE - as it also acts as the filter for clearning out mind ‘stuff’ to make way for higher truth. And of course the crown chakra - and its energetic sound EEE - is where we receive this higher truth to begin with. Lastly, Saraswati means ‘one who flows,’ so the gentle cleansing and flowing aspect of water is also invoked while chanting EIM. Our sacral chakra - the seat of creative potency, inner child and sense of self - is the body’s center of water. So chanting EIM is nourishing of these three areas and aspects.

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