Healing Light Meditation
Bring your attention to where you are.
Feel the ground beneath you. Feel the air on your skin. Feel the air flowing in and out of your nostrils.
Notice any sounds you hear. Sounds of your body and breath.
Sounds of the room around you.
Any distant or subtle sounds that usually might escape your attention.
Allow them in.
Notice any thoughts of feelings that arise in response to these sounds, and allow them to be as they are.
Know that all of these sounds, each of these thoughts and feelings are vibrations. Pulse waves. Some you can hear, some you cannot.
These pulse waves push and pull against one another. Those that are like each other are drawn together in harmony and synchrony.
This is the process of sonic entrainment.
Envision pink light. See this beautiful, gentle healing color flowing around you like a bubble or a cocoon.
Breathe this pink light deeply into your heart space.
As you exhale, see this light shimmer and flow within and around your body.
The vibrational frequency of thought energy is fast and subtle. Electromagnetic light energy is also fast and subtle.
As you change your thoughts to envision a color of light, these similar high frequency vibrations are drawn together through sonic entrainment.
As you envision pink light, pink light energy is drawn around you.
This light is the color of unconditional love. In this light you are completely safe, appreciated and held just as you are in this moment.
Call to kind a memory, or person, animal, place or experience where you have received or given this quality of love appreciation and safety.
Breathe this memory deeply into your heart space with the pink light.
And feel it flow everywhere in and around.
You are held and cocooned in unconditional love.
Draw your attention to the earth beneath you that holds and nourishes you. Give thanks to elements that make your body and our material experience. The earth, water, air, fire, and etheric space.
Grow a root, or roots of light from your body and feel them extending deeply into the earth.
Notice them extending far beneath you like a taproot through layers of soil l, rock and lava.
Feel your root encircle a pulsing green jewel at the center of the earth.
Breathe in this vibrant green light through your tap root into your body. Anchoring, grounding and recharging you with rich elemental energy .
Become aware of a golden orb above the crown of your head
Breathe in a beam of this golden, infinite, cosmic light through your crown and feel it flowing into your heart space and body.
Connect to the atmosphere above that shields us, the stars from which the elements of your earthly body were born, and the ever expanding, infinite space around you.
Know that this golden light carries with it the poetry of your soul, the wisdom of your highest self to guide and connect you.
It knows everything you have ever been, everything you are and everything you will be.
Invite the infinite golden light of your soul and spirit home to your heart and body in this time and space.
Rest serenely, held, connecte and nourished by the healing energies of divine unconditional love, the abundant earth below and the infinite cosmos above.