The Solar Plexus: Your center of fire
The solar plexus chakra is the body’s center of Fire. So, when it comes to the element of Fire and it’s aspects: power, will, discernment, determination and worthiness, we will work with the solar plexus.
Before making sounds, starting with an awareness of Fire’s positive aspects is important so you have a road map of sorts on how to cultivate balanced inner power. As you make sounds with this awareness in mind, it helps guide the sound energy appropriately.
Also, reflecting on your current connection with Fire/Power will help you understand how you can move toward more balance intentionally. Using sound on its own is nourishing. But marrying the pulse waves of sound with the thought energy of intention makes a huge difference. The vibrations of thought and intention help to direct the sound energy, aligning the body’s other energetic fields around it.
Visualizations and Imagery
Visualizations and imagery may help focus your mind. The mind loves to wander — it’s totally usual.
Here are some ideas to try:
Breathe in the color sunshine yellow into your solar plexus. As you sound OH on the exhale, see a healthy flickering flame or red triangle in the center of your solar plexus against this sunshine yellow background of light.
Or perhaps you’d find the image of the Stag or Badger helpful. To learn more about these symbols, read here.