Do you feel connected to what you do?
Raising the energy from our solar plexus into our heart requires that our actions — whatever we are willing ourselves to do — is somehow sincerely connected to our deepest values and highest aspirations. When we are in flow between these two centers, we often feel a sense of deep meaning and connectedness with what we’re doing and/or why we are doing it.
Inspiring healthy personal power
Before working with the fiery aspects of the solar plexus alone to cultivate personal power, go a level deeper into the watery, creative sacral chakra - the center of our sense of self and creative potency.
Enter Summer’s Fire: Lessons on responsible power and transformation
On the cusp of June, spring’s freshness still lingers. New blooms, fresh growth, passion and energy have ignited in the sun’s warm glow. Our motivation feels charged. We’re ready to be out in the world, to play, connect and enjoy. Yet we’re already getting a taste of the dog days of summer. When the fires of summer burn hot and spring’s cooling touch is long gone. Suddenly all the activity that felt so invigorating seems daunting. We become stressed, and our vigor is sapped. Overheated, overgrown and overwhelmed we burn out.
Reflections & Contemplations: Balancing Fire
Become curious about how you’re channeling the archetypal energies of Fire. Here are some questions and prompts to offer food for thought on how balanced your expression of fire is.